Today marks the launch of our new website, click the link below to have a look around. We are also extremely excited to share with you our first season of work. Today we present to you The Uprising Season, 2018. The season features two major productions happening in two exciting London Venues.
The Bohemians Team

Book by Joel Nash
Music and Lyrics by James Hastings
‘Pardoned’ dramatises the incredible life story WW2 codebreaker Alan Turing who was convicted for being gay. The show also shines a light on John Nicolson MP’s unsuccessful attempt to pass the Turing Bill through Parliament. The Turing Bill, which was rejected by the government last year, was a piece of legislation that would have cleared the criminal records of gay men who were convicted for crimes that are no longer illegal. The show’s narrative flits between the Turing Bill debates of 2017 and the chaos of Alan’s astonishing life. This show is an exploration of gay equality in Britain as much as it is a celebration of Alan Turing. Through the unlikely form of the musical, we hope to share Alan’s journey from maths genius to accidental martyr.
Pardoned will have its first performance at The Other Palace Studio on Saturday 5th May 2018. The event is invite only but if you are interested in attending please get in touch via our website.
Wondertown 2018

Book, Music and Lyrics by Benjamin Mowbray
Wondertown is a musical based on Alice in Wonderland. This modern take on Lewis Carols classic tale explores the journey of Alice and her father Robert, who reinvent Wonderland connecting it to the people from the world around them. Wondertown is a contemporary story about a young girl, growing up and trying to find her political voice.
Wondertown will be performed at The Ugly Duck in June, 2018. More information on cast and tickets will be released soon.
Some feedback from Wondertown at Symposium 2017:
"Incredible! I could watch another few hours of it..."
"An eclectic collection of incredible talent."
"Can't put into words how awesome it was!
Loved the energy, harmonies, messages punctuated with the fab use of instruments. "
"Best thing I've seen in ages absolutely Hilarious!"
"So current which was awesome."
"Fantastic Songs - Great idea merging Politics and Fantasy, what a great combination!"

The Bohemians are a not-for-profit theatre company. To produce our work we have to raise the money ourselves. We aspire to make our work accessible to as many people as possible. Huge costs come with producing and developing new writing and classic pieces of theatre. If you donate to us you could help fund Research and Development workshops, Productions and Touring Work.
We are fundraising for our first season of work and to launch the company. We have set up a fundraising page for you to help us out. Your money would help with the cost of production, Marketing and other important costs we are faced with as a brand new theatre company. Click the donate button.