We are extremely excited to announce that we’ll be touring, ‘The Misadventures of Pinocchio: The Radical Robot Girl’ by Benji Mowbray and Joel Nash across South Wales this Spring. A huge thank you to Arts Council Wales and all our partners and venues who have supported us to get this show on the road.
‘Bad bearded men, mothers who murder, puppets and crickets and fairies... We’ve changed a few names but the story’s the same, a warning for your times...’
The Bohemians Theatre Company proudly present ‘The Misadventures of Pinocchio: The Radical Robot Girl!’
Set in post-apocalyptic Wales, we meet a radical robot girl named Pinocchio. She lives inside a cosy little bunker with her caring father Joe. Everything is normal. Well, as normal as it can be when the world’s ended... But one day, Pinocchio discovers something that’ll change her life forever...
So come and join Pinocchio in her hazardous quest to save the planet as The Bohemians bring their bombastic brilliance to theatres across South Wales this spring.
Written by Joel Nash and Benji Mowbray and packed full of original live music, this is a folk-rock fairytale for the modern age.
Produced by The Bohemians Theatre Company
Rydyn ni’n hynod o gyffrous i fedru cyhoeddi y byddwn ni’n teithio ar draws De Cymru y Gwanwyn hwn. Diolch o galon i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac i’r holl bartneriaid a lleoliadau sydd wedi ein cefnogi ni fel y gallwn ni fynd â’r sioe hon ar daith.
‘Dynion barfog brwnt, mamau sy’n llofruddio, pypedau a phryfed tân a thylwyth teg...Ry’n ni wedi newid rhai enwau ond mae’r stori yr un fath, yn rybudd ar gyfer eich hoes...’
Mae Cwmni Theatr The Bohemians yn falch o gyflwyno ‘The Misadventures of Pinocchio: The Radical Robot Girl!’
Wedi’i gosod mewn Cymru ôl-apocalyptaidd, cawn gyfarfod merch robot radical o’r enw Pinocchio. Mae hi’n byw mewn byncer bach clyd gyda’i thad annwyl Joe. Mae popeth yn normal. Wel, mor normal ag y medrith pethau fod pan mae’r byd wedi dod i ben...Ond un diwrnod, mae Pinocchio yn darganfod rhywbeth fydd yn newid ei bywyd am byth...
Felly, ymunwch â Pinocchio ar ei chyrch peryglus i achub y blaned wrth i The Bohemians gyflwyno eu hathrylith hynod i theatrau ar draws De Cymru y gwanwyn hwn.
Wedi’i hysgrifennu gan Joel Nash a Benji Mowbray ac yn llawn dop o gerddoriaeth byw gwreiddiol, dyma stori dylwyth teg roc-werin ar gyfer yr oes fodern.